Takebishi DeviceGateway

DeviceGateway is an IIoT gateway that can access industrial data over wide range of legacy or proprietary communication protocols and make it available over modern open IIoT protocols such as OPC UA and MQTT.
This enables easy and quick  integration of “brownfield” data sources with modern IIoT Data Collection, Logging, Stream Analytics, AI or ML solutions.


It is used in our oBox Suite as a Protocol Converter module, as well as can be used as standalone gateway solution.

Main Features

Connectivity to the wide range of data sources

Over 320 series devices from over 80 vendors are supported.

This enables communications with industrial equipment, healthcare devices, homes, offices and buildings.

Full list of supported devices can be found here.

Easy Access to your data via open protocols

The DeviceGateway makes your data available over open interfaces sush as  servers of OPC UA, FTP, and SNMP Agent, and clients of MQTT, HTTP(S), SQL, FTP and AWS Kinesis, MotionBoard and MindSphere.

Run Anywhere

You can install and run the DeviceGateway on:

  • Windows machine
  • Linux machine
  • Docker container

It can also be pre-installed in our oBox Industrial PC or as a Protocol Converter module on oBox Suite, or in a hardware supplied by Takebishi.

Events Engine

You can configure event settings so that actions are executed when the event triggers are satisfied.


  • Triggers:
    Cycle, Time, Changing value, Received MQTT, Tag Alarm Change, Beacon detection etc.
  • Actions:
    Loop, Jump, Compare, Edit Text, Calculate, Get CSV Element, Get Json Elements, Write Value,  Send MQTT, Send HTTP, Send SQL, FTP Upload, Send Kinesis, Write File etc.

Easy and Quick Configuration

You can configure all setting via web-based configuration GUI.

Moreover, the DeviceGateway supports export and import of the configuration settings, that helps to quickly configure settings for large number of tags.

Integration with Cloud services

Compatible with many cloud services, such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Alibaba Cloud, SIEMENS MindSphere, WingArc1st MotionBoard Cloud, and FUJITSU COLMINA among others. 


Can it be used instead of other procotol converter applications, like KepserverFX?

Absolutely, using DeviceGateway instead of KerserverFX is common use case.

Advantages of the DeviceGateway is that it can run not only on Windows, but also on Linux and Docker. Also, it has web-based configuration GUI, which makes remote management easy.

What is the licensing model?

Licenses are perpetual: pay once and use forever.

There are 3 Editions with different maximum number of connections with devices, and maximum number of tags / points: Basic, Standard and High Specification.


The DeviceGateway has 3 editions, with different license prices: Basic, Standard, and High Performance. Note that all prices are in US Dollars.
You can select product edition and purchase licenses by clicking on Add to Cart buttons in the table below. Please note that it might take up to 2 business days to deleiver the licenses after payment.



  • Maximum Connections: 1
  • Maximum Tags and Points: 1024



  • Maximum Connections: 16
  • Maximum Tags and Points: 16,384

High Specification


  • Maximum Connections: 64
  • Maximum Tags and Points: 65,536

Request for Quote

If you have questions or would like to get a quote, please contact us by filling the form below.

Do you need our oBox Industrial PC to install and run the DeviceGateway?

What third-party or open-source applications would you like to have pre-installed (must be publicly accessible as Docker containers).

Other Hardware Options of the oBox Industrial PC