Version 0.8.6 of ogamma Visual Logger for OPC released!

March 21, 2020.

New version of the ogamma Visual Logger for OPC has been released! It has fixes for bugs and issues, including those which were discovered in the recent OPC Interoperability Workshop, which we attended from March 9 to 13 in Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

Links to get the newest version of the product are in our Online Store page.

ogamma Visual Logger for OPC is tested at OPC Interoperability workshop

March 9 - 13, 2020, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

This workshop, as described at OPC Foundation web site, is "The" event for testing OPC products for interoperability and preparing them for the lab testing and for the market. Vendors can test and debug their products against one another for interoperability, compliance, and reliability.

In this workshop our company's product ogamma Visual Logger for OPC (version 0.8.5) was tested against 13 OPC UA Servers from different vendors:

  • Honeywell - ControlEdge PLC UA Server R152,
  • Honeywell - Experion PKS OPC UA Server,
  • Inductive Automation - Ignition OPC-UA Server 8.0.9,
  • Inductive Automation - Eclipse Milo Server SDK 0.4.0,
  • Kepware Technologies - OPC UA Server - KEPServerEX 6.9,
  • Kepware Technologies - OPC UA Server - ThingWorx Kepware Edge (Linux) 1.2,
  • MatrikonOPC - Matrikon Flex Dispatch R1.1 BETA,
  • Microsoft Corporation - .Net Standard Reference Server (Windows) 1.4.359.31,
  • Rockwell Automation Inc. - FactoryTalkLinxGateway 6.20
  • Siemens AG - SIMATIC CPU 1214C V4.4,
  • Siemens AG - Homer V2.8,
  • Yokogawa Electric Corporation - opaf demo server,
  • Yokogawa Electric Corporation - MDIS Demo Server

Some issues were discovered and fixed during the workshop, and in the end it could connect to all those servers in different communication modes, browse address space, read variables, create subscriptions and monitored items, and receive real-time data changes as required by the functionality.

This raises our confidence in the product and makes it closer to the production release.

Some pictures and screenshots from the event can be viewed here


One-Way Automation becomes OPC Foundation corporate member.

Effective November 13, 2019, One-Way Automation is corporate member at OPC Foundation.

This gives as such benefits as:

  • participation in OPC UA Working Groups preparing next releases of OPC UA and companion specifications,
  • access to working drafts of specifications before they are available in public,
  • possibility to test our products for compatibility with newest versions of products from world's leading vendors in OPC Interoperability Workshops,
  • showcase our products at exhibitions, events and conferences organized by OPC Foundation worldwide,
  • ability to use in commercial products open source OPC UA SDKs and libraries.
  • access to OPC Compliance Test Tools free of charge
  • make use of OPC member logo
  • and finally list our company's products at our page at the OPC Foundation web site

ogamma Visual Logger public preview version is released!

August 25, 2019.

ogamma Visual Logger for OPC is an integration tool to:

  • Collect data from OPC UA Servers;
  • Store that data in TimescaleDB (PostgreSQL database optimized to store time-series data). Regular version of PostgreSQL can be used too.
  • Visualize data using Grafana, acting as a REST back-end for its SimpleJson data source plugin. It can fetch real time or historical data directly from OPC UA Servers, or from PostgreSQL.
  • Analyze data using SQL queries.

Version 0.4.2 of the ogamma Visual Logger, Community Edition is now available for general public. Download and setup instructions can be found at


Binary distribution packages are available for Winwdows, Ubuntu 18.04 and Debian. 

Docker image is also available at