OPC UA Web Client - version 0.2.0 is released

Published on March 2, 2016, updated on March 6, 2016

Online OPC UA Client version 0.2.0 Technical Preview is released and demo installation is deployed at https://uaclient.com.

New feature added:

  • Support for browsing of the OPC UA Local Discovery Server (LDS) is added, which makes configuration of session connection settings easier. Now from the session configuration window the OPC UA Web Client can connect to LDS using discovery URL entered by the User. The LDS can be located at any machine accessible from the network where Web Client is installed. And then FindServers service is called to retrieve list of OPC UA Servers from LDS, and when a response is recieved, the discovery tree is updated and GetEndpoints service is called for each server asynchronously in the background. 
    Get endpoints results are added to the discovery tree exposing supported transport, security mode and user identity token. When the User selects the leaf of the tree, configuration fields are updated with corresponding settings from selected endpoint.
  • Note that by default discovery URL is configured to connect to LDS running at opcuaserver.com, where some demo OPC UA Servers are installed and running.

Improvements and bug fixes:

  • Some bugs are fixed causing application crash;

For testing and demo purposes, multiple OPC UA Demo Servers are deployed at opcuaserver.com.

Attention OPC UA Server Vendors - One-Way Automation offers free hosting of your demo servers at opcuaserver.com, so potential customers can connect to them without installing any client application, from uaclient.com!